''Somos todos iguais, todos humanos, o acervo cultural humano é rico e vibrante.''
Apenas um imbecil que poderia se convencer conclusivamente destas frases curtas e de apelo moral negativamente dogmático e consequentemente duvidoso, ainda que todo conceito abstrato precise de um contexto para ser moralmente julgado.
Todas as culturas humanas são fatalmente equivocadas em algum ponto moral fundamental. Celebrar a diversidade cultural humana é o mesmo que celebrar a estupidez em escala mundial da espécie mais "inteligente' e carniceira do planeta Terra.
Se o sábio ocidental já se encontra enojado pela medíocre moralidade local que santifica o sacrifício massificado de milhões e milhões de animais domesticados para alimentar as bocas dos escravos que chamam de trabalhadores assim como também de seus carniceiros sutis que chamam de "elites", então agora deverá dar calorosas boas vindas a chacais das mais diversas origens geográficas e agregar mais lixo cultural humano como o saboreio de carne de .. cachorros e gatos. Vamos celebrar o sistema de castas indiano ou a prática cultural vibrante em que albinos são assassinados para alimentar superstições que são piores do que crises de um esquizofrênico bêbado e cheirador de perfume ou o saudável ritual religioso em que os clitóris de meninas são retirados para que não sintam prazer sexual durante certo ato ''pecaminoso''.
Vamos celebrar toda a bobagem humana num espectro mais diversificado de peles ou narizes ou vamos acionar a sabedoria, o bom julgamento ou pensamento completo e ponderar sobre todas as variáveis envolvidas.
Os seres humanos nao são todos iguais nem são todos diferentes, apenas alguns subgrupos que terão muito mais em comum entre si mesmos do que em relação aos outros presentes.
Não para uma "diversidade" vaga, com segundas intenções e desastrosamente estúpida e sim para o equilíbrio, sabedoria.
Eu sou contra este multiculturalismo e a favor de uma única cultura legitimamente humana, que possa agregar o que de melhor temos feito o que de melhor nós poderemos fazer. Uma cultura eugenica que jogue no buraco negro do esquecimento, todas as sandices caprichosas que a mente humana tem sido capaz de criar e de acreditar, rastreando milimetricamente cada passo em falso, cada estupidez que tem chafurdado pés de bípedes fenomenais.
Um adeus para todas ''as culturas de sangue'' (quase todas as culturas humanas) e um ''seja vem vindo'' para a ''cultura filosófica da vida''. Todos aqueles que nutrem empatia genuína por esta necessidade fundamental da existencia ou percepção humana serão igualmente bem vindos.
Multiculturalism is here to stay. Right wing crap is nuts and its so outdated. The entire world is leaning left as the right wing ideology has brought nothing but perennial world wars. You cannot have random whites dominating like they have been doing all the time. Gone are the days where you could where you invade the land under the pretext of civilizing the natives, although originally with an intention to loot. WHites should realize the world is a piece of land for all the races. Absolute ownership amounts to greed, and this is the reason why more and more people are leaning left to unchain themselves from the toxic right wing culture/ideology.
ResponderExcluir''Multiculturalism is here to stay.''
ExcluirIt's doesn't work at long term. It's works only by plurirracialism belonging a monoculture and eugenics processes selecting the bright and empathetic ones.
''Right wing crap is nuts and its so outdated. The entire world is leaning left as the right wing ideology has brought nothing but perennial world wars.''
Conservatism is the basis of all societies, i agreed there are a lot of issues there but we cannot deny the significance of conservatism to sustain society.
Really* Right now Brazil, so called liberal tropical paradise is seriously flirting with hard right wing with Bolsonaro candidate.
''You cannot have random whites dominating like they have been doing all the time. Gone are the days where you could where you invade the land under the pretext of civilizing the natives, although originally with an intention to loot.''
Multiculturalism is already outdated, it's works when we have a white majority, but when we have people with foreign hard conservative background they will dominate. Multiculturalism is just like attrack multiples foreign CONSERVATIVE cultures to divide the same space, so stupid.
WHites should realize the world is a piece of land for all the races. Absolute ownership amounts to greed, and this is the reason why more and more people are leaning left to unchain themselves from the toxic right wing culture/ideology.
''WHites should realize the world is a piece of land for all the races.''
ExcluirWhen two races or peoples start to interact one each other the chances for cultural incompatibility and consequent conflicts will be huge.
''Absolute ownership amounts to greed, and this is the reason why more and more people are leaning left to unchain themselves from the toxic right wing culture/ideology.''
Left wing is absolutely about a lot of issues, but severely ignorant about everything related with conservatism, without this super important knowledge, left wingers never will be capable to finally win right wing ''enemies'. Right now you're [and even myself] in ideological trenches. There is a balance between them/you/we. The first who learn the another will win. Stop to say conservatism is mostly wrong and that liberal-leftism is mostly right when it's not the placid truth.
Left wing is ''absolutely correct''
ExcluirConservatism through out history has mostly empowered religious fanatics. You see the atrocities perpetrated by the Vatican under the pretext of religion. Thats almost the case in every country where religion is embedded in the state politics.
ResponderExcluir"we cannot deny the significance of conservatism to sustain society".
To some extent I would agree with respect to family values, or a societyto survive conservatism is necessary to some extent but remember overt conservatism with religion has always fostered identity politics, empowered criminal minds, brought wars, encouraged imperialism. The best example could be the spread of Christianity and Islam, both semitic religions. The former spread to Rome and was significantly the reason which brought several invasions under the garb of spreading the truth of true divinity, destroyed native civilizations, hijacked the culture and brought the downfall of several functioning civilizations.
Santo quotes "Multiculturalism is already outdated, it's works when we have a white majority, but when we have people with foreign hard conservative background they will dominate. "
By your white supremacist logic, if multiculturalism doesn't work why did Europeans land in America, Why did swarthy Arabs conquer persia, China's constant revanchism throughout their history, British colonization of the sub continent, Japan's imperialism, British destroying indigenous people and their culture in Australia? People were better off practicing eugenics in their own culture, it is only because of whites multiculturalism started, now when it comes back to their own countries they pretend as if they are under some attack. Karma is a double edged sword, it will come back both the ways.
Santo "Right now Brazil, so called liberal tropical paradise is seriously flirting with hard right wing with Bolsonaro candidate."
Every third world country is flirting with hard right there's no real leftist party anywhere in the world. I'm not referring to the toxic US left. The reason third world is flirting with right wing powers, because the right wing scum still controls the system largely. Any attempt to individualism is quickly shunned out in the name of religion, rituals. etc.
''Conservatism through out history has mostly empowered religious fanatics. You see the atrocities perpetrated by the Vatican under the pretext of religion. Thats almost the case in every country where religion is embedded in the state politics.''
ExcluirI can't disagree with this, for sure.
''To some extent I would agree with respect to family values, or a societyto survive conservatism is necessary to some extent but remember overt conservatism with religion has always fostered identity politics, empowered criminal minds, brought wars, encouraged imperialism. The best example could be the spread of Christianity and Islam, both semitic religions. The former spread to Rome and was significantly the reason which brought several invasions under the garb of spreading the truth of true divinity, destroyed native civilizations, hijacked the culture and brought the downfall of several functioning civilizations.''
Yes our problem is about multiculturalism and not about a very long time absolute conservatism has dominated human societies.
''By your white supremacist logic, if multiculturalism doesn't work why did Europeans land in America, Why did swarthy Arabs conquer persia, China's constant revanchism throughout their history, British colonization of the sub continent, Japan's imperialism, British destroying indigenous people and their culture in Australia? People were better off practicing eugenics in their own culture, it is only because of whites multiculturalism started, now when it comes back to their own countries they pretend as if they are under some attack. Karma is a double edged sword, it will come back both the ways.''
It's not a white supremacism but exceptionalism because whites on avg has been few ones who value individuality and individualism over collectivism.
I agree whites but also most peoples must pay for their historical crimes, and yes, whites are the most guilty because their history of expansion for all continents and cultures. Maybe Singapore and future extreme east countries under multicultural mode will reveal similar capacity to sustain LIMITED diversity of cultures and costumes.
''Every third world country is flirting with hard right there's no real leftist party anywhere in the world. I'm not referring to the toxic US left. The reason third world is flirting with right wing powers, because the right wing scum still controls the system largely. Any attempt to individualism is quickly shunned out in the name of religion, rituals. etc. ''
Leftism is not just about individual values if it's you are believing but specially about cooperation over competition. Yes, i dislike conservatism because we agree it's over at least in their absolute or characteristic expression but we must need to understand it before try to eliminate it, indeed, we must need its good aspects because they are fundamental for our ''utopic'' ideals''.
Left wing is ''absolutely correct''
ResponderExcluirI'm not saying Leftwing is absolutely correct. Its time for the societies to upgrade to the moving times. Personally if you'd ask me, I am not for open borders, please do not misunderstand. I'm for the country to decide what's good for them. Uncontrolled immigration like the one we see in Europe is bad, but who brought this downfall. It all began when hardline US conservative George Bush invaded countries where we had no business to interfere to begin with. Prior to that we didn't have to worry about muslim extremism. People blame it on jew brainwashing, that's another sorry excuse. If the fundamentals of your civilization is weak as the west is largely christian which is the child of judaism really. People say Chrsitianity is antithesis of Judaism, but it hardly matters as it is still has its roots in judaism.So Judeo-christian bond is inseparable. Despite the antisemitism, WASPs should realize that they are really judaized gentiles. That's the reason I say US left is toxic left there is simply no difference in ideology, So obama had no choice but to follow the steps of his predecessor in invading stable countries. Also that's primarily the reason why a progressive candidate like Bernie Sanders was chucked out and it was a rat race between the looneys Trump and Hitlery. Unfortunately, It's like that throughout the world.