segunda-feira, 8 de janeiro de 2024

Another list of necessary provocations

 . Another [absolute] "left" contradiction

Left: "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. It is relative and subjective. It has nothing to do with race or ethnicity"

Also on the left: "Study (carried out by professional ideologues disguised as scientists) 'proves' that racial miscegenation makes people more beautiful"

Is beauty just subjective and relative or is it objective???

2. The typical activist is an idealist and an excessive pragmatist, because he dreams and idealizes too much, always searching for an unrealistic "perfection", based on attempts at ideological and practical purification. And if it weren't enough to dream too much, he still has a desire to put everything he imagines and dreams, without logical-rational rigor, into practice.

3. For the most rational, living with the most irrational is a kind of torture, not only because of their chronic inability to think in a thoughtful, impartial and objective manner, but also to act in the same way

3.1 Other factors responsible for the great difficulty in coexistence between the more and the less rational are: the more peaceful nature of the former, a result of their tendency to avoid conflicts, and the opposite pattern for the latter; and a tendency to approach social interactions based on the principle of reciprocity, while the less rational tend to do so indifferently to this principle, in a more convenient and selfish way

3.2 The most rational is the natural enemy of any "political correctness" or censorship of thought, especially if it concerns the most considered thought

4. About the "normie"

Pejorative term for those who consider themselves or are objectively identified as "normal"

One of the main differences between them and others, or "us", is that they tend to interpret reality only based on their personal contexts, instead of also seeking to do so from a more impartial or panoramic perspective. This is why the "normie" has difficulty perceiving what happens beyond the narratives that predominate in their social cycle.

5. The most literal expression of kindness is the practice of rational justice, which is often not in line with the most popular conception of kindness, since fairness/justice, in its most ideal sense, based on evidence, does not always result in compassion

6. A person can be naive about some issues and smart about others

7. Irrational stupidity of course irritates the most rational. But cruelty irritates him much more

8. There are atheists and agnostics who believe in the social rather than intrinsic nature of both religious belief and unbelief, and in the durability and depth of the recent secularization observed especially in the younger generations in Western countries. However, it is not enough that it is not true that all self-declared irreligious people are atheists and that atheistic and theistic susceptibilities are just products of imposed socialization, the persistence of fertility differences between the least and most religious is likely to increase the demographic representation of the second group. in the coming decades

9. About segregation and free association

Not all segregation is bad, in the sense of irrational. For example, free association, which is a type of self-segregation

10. Brazil is a country full of muscles and scarce of brains

11. Living with ideological fanatics, especially those on the left, forces us to "pretend dementia", that is, to agree with (almost) everything they say, when we are interacting with them in a friendly manner. Also because we need to agree with or repeat their dogmatic narratives and become vigilant about any spontaneous flash of reasoning that challenges them, even more so if it is intelligent or factually accurate.

12. Humanists ask us to nurture an unconditional love for human beings, that is, the most cruel and destructive species of all

13. Every bourgeois leftist who claims to have great affection for the poorest should be forced to live with them for at least two years

14. In 1984, war is peace, freedom is slavery and ignorance is strength...

Because in our totalitarian societies, currently under the political correctness of the bourgeois "left", moderation is extremism, just like being against mass immigration policies or in favor of countries remaining, ethnically speaking, the way they have been for many centuries, also because of the long and problematic history of multiculturalism

15. There is a considerable amount of despicable people in all social classes, differentiating themselves according to the stereotypes of their group

16. About the arrogance of academics and any type of identitarians

Academics do not have a total monopoly on knowledge, as many think they do, because they can produce works of dubious intellectual quality and present opinions devoid of scientific and philosophical rigor (I must say, this happens with infamous frequency) and because individuals of outside universities can also know more than "experts with degrees" and can even, in fact, contributing positively to a certain area of human knowledge, even if they are not recognized or if they are not "officially accredited"

Identitarians do not have a monopoly or absolute control over the identity by which they most identify, even if they think so and believe they have the competence to analyze and judge others' level of correspondence through self-identification. Therefore, for example, a person who says they are "progressive" may not have enough competence to judge the level of "progressiveness" of the colleague next to them (a reality that seems to be very common/in this case, the majority of those who declare themselves as such tend to deviate from the most basic principles of the ideologies they adopt as discourse and/or identity), because self-identification does not necessarily mean that there is a significant correspondence with the pet identity, with characteristics or values, and with their most consistent practices. And no, it's not a case of the "true Scotsman fallacy", because there are defined criteria for most political, ideological and/or cultural identities, although, depending on the identity, these criteria may be less specific or more vague.

17. "It's your fault for being alone"

In fact, the "fault" may not lie solely with the individual, because people with unusual personality characteristics or in potentially permanent non-ideal contexts may be more likely to be rejected by others. For example, it is not uncommon for more rational individuals to end up with fewer friends or even being lonely throughout their lives. Because, with the exception of wealth and beauty, exceptionalities tend to alienate rather than attract. Another example is autistic individuals, more specifically those with "mild autism", more capable of typical social interaction and, therefore, also more exposed to its friction.

18. "Non-adaptation" can also be a type of adaptation

If not every environment is adaptable to a given profile, then not adapting to it, seeking to minimize the negative impacts of this non-adaptation, when it is not possible to move to another environment, may be more appropriate than trying to adapt. Sometimes it's not worth the effort

19. Only humanitarian eugenics... by coercion and financial compensation for birth control of individuals from specific groups and/or encouragement from other groups, to turn the vast majority of underdeveloped countries into developed ones, since the most important factor that prevents is precisely the qualitative and average difference in cognitive abilities between its populations

20. If you want an example of the evolution of the human species, don't come to Brazil, as progressive degeneration predominates here

21. It's hard to know who is worse, the insensitive right-winger or the disingenuous left-winger

22. A person who is terrible to another and without rational justification, that is, who acts in a very unfair way, but is good to several others, is as bad as a person who is bad to several others and good to one (or with a few)

23. It is common for an ideology to express itself like a human individual who, instead of prioritizing his strengths, does so with his weaknesses. Because, from this perspective, the practically causal relationship between deficiency in self-knowledge and irrationality becomes "visible".

A great example is the egalitarian ideology, which has been the basis for "Western progressism", and which, instead of acting as its main strength, weakens it excessively through its pseudoscientific denial of the intrinsic differences of individuals and groups. humans

24. The new and old tactic of those who believe in deities is to assert that nature or "creation" is definitive proof of divine existence...

25. There are many types of insane people, but the craziest of all is the one who puts himself and others in danger, guided by unrealistic expectations or foolish thoughts. This is why the "left", particularly its 'religious' belief in human equality, from this perspective, makes it more insane than the "right".

26. Without the ton of "good" pseudosciences and pseudo-philosophy, human sciences, as they are basic knowledge, serve perfectly as a survival guide, even as a complement to first aid

27. There is no behavior more disgusting and revolting than brutal and sadistic violence or violence without just cause. Because one of the groups that practice it most, that is, in disproportionate terms, are black and brown men. So this is why this supposedly anti-racist activism, increasingly dominant in Western media, "education" and government, is so unfair.

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