terça-feira, 16 de janeiro de 2024

A contextualized example of highly rational thinking

 Be more critical of Islam and/but side with Palestine in the conflict with Israel

If this religion, like the vast majority of religions, has a long history of atrocities that, in fact, continue to be perpetuated, as does the true oppression against women and sexual minorities.

And if, regarding the Israel-Palestine conflict, the Palestinian cause is the most morally justifiable, in the sense of rationally defensible, for the independence of these people, even more so given the arbitrary seizure of their lands by the Jews, after the partition of the territory , with the officialization of the state of Israel at the end of the 40s of the 20th century.

Because placing yourself completely on the side of Israel and declaring yourself anti-Islam or the opposite is practically the same thing, because they are excessively tribalistic points of view, but also because they both turn a "blind eye" to the crimes committed by their over-protected groups. In other words, it is possible to declare oneself pro-Palestine without becoming a fanatic about Islam, to be able to analyze and judge contexts separately, that is, in a more considered way.

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