segunda-feira, 11 de dezembro de 2023

My 3 thoughtcrimes about racial miscegenation

 Always good??

According to "left" ideological indoctrination, yes, racial miscegenation is a desirable and morally superior behavior or choice compared to racial endogamy.

But, is it really??

Here, I make a brief list in an attempt to refute myths about this topic that have been widely endorsed by "leftists" and for reasons that can range from naive or ill-informed to malicious or with ulterior motives.

1. Relating to a person of another race or ethnicity is a literal act of anti-racism

Historically speaking, racial miscegenation has only become more common in colonialist, imperialist and/or expansionist contexts, of conquest and subjugation of one people over another, or for pragmatic reasons, for example, when there is a shortage of women of the same race as the colonizers/invaders, as happened in Latin America, the opposite of what the anti-racist ideology supposedly preaches, of harmony between racial and ethnic groups of the human species.

Furthermore, there is no reason to suppose that miscegenation, when there is generation of descendants, or even without, is morally superior to its opposite, because, a priori, there is no such superiority, if it is not racist to prefer to have relationships with people of the same race or ethnicity just as it is not xenophobia to prefer to do it with people of the same nationality.

2. Racial mixing is always beneficial to the genetics of a population by generating "hybrid vigor"

If that were true, then Latin Americans would be the most beautiful, healthy and intelligent people in the world. The hybrid vigor thesis seems to work without the need for racial mixing, within the same group, simply by promoting more exogamy, that is, inhibiting marriages between close relatives. From a scenario of large-scale racial mixing, there is no evidence that it improves the genetics or biology of a population. On the contrary, as it can also generate an increase in the heritability of incompatibilities, congenital diseases... in the case of populations that have evolved in isolation for thousands of years... It is still possible that it could have a positive effect, but as long as there is more selection directed towards the desired traits, in other words, a practice of eugenics, which would also work if practiced within the same more racially homogeneous population. Therefore, the idea that racial mixing, in itself, provides hybrid vigor in the next generations of mixed-race, or that racially homogeneous populations need to mix to generate it and avoid a decrease in their genetic diversity, does not hold water.

3. Because "education" and "upbringing" are more important, it is okay to marry a person of another race because your children will be shaped by the education you give them

If that were true, but that's not exactly how it happens, since, first of all, we inherit from our parents combinations of their traits, including personality and intelligence. Therefore, in addition to there being a high probability that your offspring will not inherit much of your physical phenotype, especially if you are Caucasian and your breeding partner is of another race, there is also a high probability that they will inherit little or none of your personality traits and intelligence, and this may seem like a "lesser evil", but the incompatibility of temperament and cognitive level is usually a factor of conflict in human relationships, even more so if it is related to character dysfunctions.

It appears that for many people who have mixed-race children, especially those of white race, there is a silent frustration or unpleasant feeling that they have been "surrogated" or that "their biological children seem adopted" by this perceived trend of hereditary discontinuity of physical and behavioral characteristics.


A priori, having a relationship with a person of another race, whether or not generating mixed-race offspring, is not morally right or wrong and, in practical terms, it can be as harmless as tying your shoes or eating an apple. But, from a deeper analysis, one realizes that it is not that simple, as shown above, even leaving the impression of being more like a risky behavior or choice, and even worse if that choice is based on "well-intentioned" lies (from "Anti-racist Fallacies", for example, which I have already commented on in the text of the same title).

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