quinta-feira, 28 de dezembro de 2023

Layers of truth//reality or abstract levels

More real level:

All physical and/or chemical elements and phenomena...

You, me, human beings, living beings, planets, rain, lightning, water...

Cutout or abstraction of real elements (primary abstraction by language).

Naming and categorization of real elements.

More real abstract level:

All our emotions and (other) organic reactions.

Feeling happy or sad, cold or hot...

Naming and categorization of derivation of real elements.

Cutout of cutout or abstraction of abstraction (secondary abstraction).

Naming and categorization of derivation, primarily from organic elements.

More abstract level:

All the concepts that we invent or that do not exist in the real world as we exist and that are less real or more abstract than our reactions: "racism", "prejudice", "justice", "names" of "cities", of "people"...

These are even more particular specifications than real specifications. For example, the feeling of hatred or contempt that can be classified as "racism" or "prejudice"

Cutout of cutout of cutout or abstraction from abstraction from abstraction (tertiary).

Naming and categorizing derivation of derivation from a primary abstraction or from real elements.

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